Electric Aggregation
Electric Aggregation Information for Tuscola Residents
This is information that pertains to Tuscola Residential customers of Ameren.
In 2012, the residents of the city of Tuscola approved a referendum authorizing the city officials to bid and enter into agreements with electricity suppliers to provide electricity to all residential and small commercial residents. The move initially saved the citizens approximately 30% off the standard Ameren rates. In 2020, the City Council authorized the consulting services of Stone River Group for bidding the residential electric supply, with the rate of $0.0435/kwh beginning December 2020- May 2022 .
On March 24, 2022, the City accepted a low bid with Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. to supply Tuscola residential electricity at a fixed rate of $0.07859 per kWh for a period beginning June 2022 through June 2025.
Although a letter went out from Ameren to some residents stating the resident would go to the Ameren Illinois rates, this is not correct. All residents who were in the City's aggregation rate with Homefield, will be switched to the new rate with Constellation NewEnergy without any further action. Here is a letter explaining this issue.
Residents, who want to accept this rate while still receiving billings directly from Ameren, don’t need to do anything.
If a resident does NOT want to accept the negotiated rate, and instead wants to choose their own supplier and negotiate their own rates, the resident must mail in an “opt-out” card to Constellation NewEnergy. This card will be provided to each resident via a mailed packet of information.
Sample letter sent to Tuscola residents around 4/20/2022:
Sample Opt-out letter from Constellation NewEnergy to Tuscola residents
Justin Cheger – VP Operations/Intelligence of The Stone River Group shares more indepth information.